商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:mostecho.qy6.com 供应东风3W天花灯CA80认证,古镇7W筒灯CA135认证_中山市莫特检测技术有限公司
联系人:程小姐 女士 (业务经理)
电 话:0132-57601486
手 机:13257601486







1,NON IC:Not allowed to have any insulation within 100mm and cannot be installed in residential buildings

2,CA 135:Type CA 135, closed abutted, recessed luminaire wher fixed, building insu-lating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 150°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.

3,CA 80:Type CA 80, closed abutted, recessed luminaire wher fixed, building insulat-ing material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C must not cover but may closely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.

4,IC:Type IC recessed luminaire wher building insulation that can safely be ex-posed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C may abut and cover the lu-minaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible.

5,IC-F:Type IC-F recessed luminaire wher building insulation that can safely be exposed continuously to 90°C may abut or cover the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at least 20 mm high and clearly legible. Resistant to ingress of external matter.


程小姐 女士 (业务经理)  
电  话: 0132-57601486
传  真:
移动电话: 13257601486
公司地址: 中国广东中山市中山市石岐区岐头新村岐兴大街五巷13号
邮  编:
公司主页: http://mostecho.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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中山市莫特检测技术有限公司 公司地址:中国广东中山市中山市石岐区岐头新村岐兴大街五巷13号
程小姐 女士 (业务经理) 电话:0132-57601486 传真:
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